Katydid along with the FCPA is pleased to offer full day childcare for elementary age children this Monday and Tuesday, January 28th and 29th – FCPS teacher workdays. Childcare will be offered from 8:15 AM to 6:15 PM at the Frying Pan Farm Park Schoolhouse. Parents must pick up their children at the Schoolhouse by 6:15 PM.
The indoor activities are based in the Schoolhouse. Outdoor activities are at the farm, on the playgrounds, and on the trails. The activities include indoor/outdoor games, farm visits, hikes, playground time, arts and crafts, listening/reading centers, math and writing centers.
Children are to bring one snack with drink and their lunch with drink for the day. The afternoon snack will be provided.
To register, complete the Registration Form. Registrations can be dropped off at the Schoolhouse between 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM Monday-Friday or emailed to Kate@Katydidkids.com. Please call with any questions (703) 689-3104 or email Kate@Katydidkids.com.
In addition to the Registration Form, the Aftercare Forms (emergency and pickup authorization forms) will need to be submitted as well. Parents will also need to provide documentation for medications, epipens, and inhalers where applicable.