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COVID Update – July 31


All information below is subject to change at any time due to changes in guidance from the CDC, Virginia Governor, Virginia Health Department, Virginia Department of Social Services, Fairfax County Park Authority among others.  In addition, Katydid is still working with the Fairfax County Government with contract changes due to COVID, which could affect our start date.

Class Size: Class sizes will be limited to no more than 9 children in a classroom with 2 teachers for 3 year olds and 1 teacher for 4-5 year olds.  Classes will remain separate for any activities to reduce the possibility of transmission.  The exception of this will be if a Shelter in Place emergency occurs.  The size of the class has been determined by measuring the classroom to allow everyone to have their own 6 foot bubble.  There will also be additional staff available in the hallway to assist teachers with cleaning and monitoring children’s trips to the bathroom. 

Class Schedule:  Each class will be 2 ½ hours long but will start at staggered 15 minute intervals which will help spread out the amount of people at check-in/out.  Enrollment is fluctuating and adjustments may still be made to the class schedules.

Dropoff/Pickup:  Upon arrival, all staff and students will have their temperature checked and will need to answer COVID exposure and health questions before they enter the building.  These checks will be done by the front door.  In addition, to minimize potential exposures, parents/siblings/grandparents will not be allowed to enter the building.  Sign-in will be done by Katydid staff to eliminate shared pens.  All staff and students entering the building must have a mask on.  Parents are also required to wear masks for drop-off and pick-up.  Children and staff are required to wash hands immediately upon entering the school building.  There will be marks outside the building to remind parents of the 6 foot social distance requirement for check-in/out.

Snack:  Snack has been removed from the class schedule due to the increased risks of not having children in masks and the fact that only 2 children can sit at a table at the same time.   The snack  process usually takes 30-45 minutes by the time the tables and chairs are cleaned and sanitized, all children wash their hands, snacks are distributed, snacks are opened, hands are re-washed and tables and chairs are cleaned and sanitized again per Virginia DSS regulations.  Removing snack therefore adds an extra 15-30 minutes to class activities.   

Class Activities Removed: We will suspend the use of sensory tables, water play, group playdough, kitchen centers, and stuffed animals. 

Water Bottles: Students are required to bring a water bottle labeled with their name each day.  Water bottles can be refilled by staff. 

Sanitizing and Safety Steps: Staff will disinfect high-touch areas including floors frequently and toys will be sanitized after each class. Soft items and will not be used and carpet cleaning will be done every week with the help of an expert. Students will have their own Zip-Lock bag of supplies labelled and kept by the teacher to be used each day in class.  We will practice social distancing as much as possible.  Parallel play will be encouraged.

Staff Training:  Teachers will receive orientation and training for new COVID procedures. 

Staff Health:  The staff will also be held to the same standard and cannot come to school with any symptoms.  

Paperwork Dropoff and Welcome Open House: We hope to schedule a time for each family to drop off paperwork and have ONE parent accompany the student into the classroom to meet the teacher the week before school begins. 

COVID Contract: Each family will have to sign a COVID contract which states that they will follow the rules set above, and will only send their child if the child is free from COVID symptoms which include a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, dry cough, shortness of breath, chills, sore throat, and/or loss of taste or smell.  The child will need to be symptom free for 72 hours and have a doctor’s note indicating your child is healthy before returning to school.  In addition if your child has been exposed to someone with COVID or has tested positive, they will have to stay home for the required 10 day waiting period set by the CDC and have a note from a doctor indicating that they are healthy before they can return.  Children must wear masks to stay at school and they must wash hands frequently when asked or use hand sanitizer when hand washing is not available.  Parents must immediately notify Katydid Administrators (Judi or Mindy) if they become aware that their child has been in contact with anyone with COVID symptoms, has been told to quarantine, tests positive for COVID or is presumed positive.

If any report of COVID is made to Katydid, we are required to immediately notify the Virginia Health Department and Virginia Department of Social Services who will make decisions as to the actions required by Katydid.  These decisions could require the closing of the class or school for 10 days.

This plan will remain fluid as new changes are constantly being released.